WEEK 5 | Make your own graham cracker crust from your homemade graham crackers. GRAHAM CRACKER CRUST: Crush homemade graham crackers to measure 1 1/4 cups of crumbs. Add 1/4 cup sugar and 1/3 cup melted margarine. Press into pie pan and chill 45 minutes. Fill with one quart of ice cream or sherbet, refreeze and serve as a family night treat this week. (If planning to utilize hot water heater water or toilet tank water for emergency storage, carefully drain 2 gallons of water from hot water tank and clean toilet tank each month and put 1/2 cup bleach in cleaned tank.) |
WEEK 4 | Make graham crackers from the recipe on page 12 in the church publication "Essentials of Home Production and Storage." |
WEEK 3 | German field personnel in WWI were said to have used honey on wounds to hasten healing! Go to the library and read about the many uses of honey, then search for baking and cooking recipes using honey. |
WEEK 2 | Take the money you've saved on your grocery bills in March and April
by using powdered milk instead of store bought milk and using whole grains
as a meat replacement or substitute then buy the recommended honey
and sugar products for your basic food storage. Buy the highest quality
honey, sugar, and fruit drink mix in bulk from the Bishop's Storehouse,
or ask the unit Food Storage Specialist for a copy of the resource sheet
for local sources for bulk honey and other products. Record all purchases
in your Basic Food Storage Binder.
DUE TO THE DANGER OF INFANT BOTULISM from honey products, remember to store sugar for infants and babies under one year and withhold honey products. Talk to your pediatrician for specific information. |
WEEK 1 | Accurately inventory and assess current honey and sugar storage. Total basic honey and sugar storage recommended per year for males/females 18 years or older is 60 pounds. (This inventory assessment includes honey, sugar, corn syrup, jams and jellies, molasses, sweetened powdered drink mixes, and gelatin.) |