WEEK 4 |
Use whole grains in a casserole or soup this week by substituting 1/2
of the ground beef with an equal amount cooked whole wheat berries. Or,
substitute 1/2 of the white flour in a baking recipe with whole wheat flour.
Share your success and adapted recipes with the Stake and Unit Food
Storage Specialists. (Go to the library and look for a variety of excellent
resource/recipe books in shelf area #641.631.) |
WEEK 3 |
Use the dry pack work sheet to select additional grain items for dry
packing into cans or pouches at the storehouse. Call Brother Mrkva to schedule
a family appointment (children 12 and over can participate.) The recommended
crew size is three to twelve people. Call the storehouse, (614) 836-2627,
two days before your reservation to verify availability of product. Checks
only are accepted for purchases. Label and date all grain items. Rotate
oldest storage and use first. (If planning to utilize hot water heater
water or toilet tank water for emergency storage, carefully drain 2 gallons
of water from hot water tank and clean toilet tank each month and put 1/2
cup bleach in cleaned tank.) |
WEEK 2 |
Check with the unit Food Storage Specialist or Relief Society Presidency
to determine when your unit has reserved the traveling dry pack machine
or pouch sealer. Group demonstrations on the operation of these machines
are also available by calling Brother Mrkva. This simple process of re-packing
large bags of grains into pantry-size pouches or cans brings essential
convenience in actually beginning/continuing to use grains and other basic
food storage on a daily basis. This in turn can begin reducing your weekly
grocery bills to free more grocery budget for additional storage items.
(Dry pack in small groups of three to twelve or as an entire unit to
accomplish the work more efficiently and allow the dry pack equipment
to be fully utilized.) Products may also be ordered in bulk from the
Bishop's Storehouse and used to dry pack off-site. Pick up these items
at the rear loading dock at the Storehouse. Record all purchases in your
Basic Food Storage Binder. |
WEEK 1 |
Read D&C 89. Verses 14-17 answer what to store and verses
18-21 answer why! Accurately inventory and assess current grain food storage.
Determine if existing grain is stored correctly and is still edible. Total
basic grain storage recommended per year for 18 years or older is 420 pounds
for males/294 pounds for females. Buy a 3 1/2" disk and ask the unit Food
Storage Specialist or Relief Society Presidency to copy the church's basic
food storage program, "Food Storage Program, IBM" or purchase the
church publication, "Essentials of Home Production and Storage"
through the Relief Society Presidency. Obtain at least 1/3
of the total grain storage recommended. (We focus on purchasing grains
again in September and December if needed.) Double your fun and success---find
a food storage "buddy" willing to split bulk orders, form a co-op, and
share recipes. |