WEEK 4 |
Get your holiday shopping done earlier and smarter! Consider purchasing
Christmas gifts that promote the use of basic food storage such as an electric
mill/grinder, crockpot, pressure cooker, pressure canner, water barrels,
etc.. Waterless anti-bacterial hand cleaner makes a great stocking stuffer
and can extend basic water storage. Buy a case/ 6 one gallon jars of honey
for your sweetie instead of chocolates or frivolous, useless items this
year. Watch for sales and take advantage of double couponing. (If planning
to utilize hot water heater water or toilet tank water for emergency storage,
carefully drain 2 gallons of water from hot water tank and clean toilet
tank each month and put 1/2 cup bleach in cleaned tank.) |
WEEK 3 |
Make rice pudding as a Family Home Evening treat this week. Check the
library for additional recipes utilizing rice in casseroles, entrees, salads,
and desserts. |
WEEK 2 |
With bishopric approval, an adult "social" featuring
dry pack/pouch sealer equipment in a member's basement or garage could
be held to encourage fellowship and food storage. Members could bring their
bulk items to the event and refreshments featuring basic food storage items
could be served. Brother Mrkva, (614) 837-2421, is the contact person for
demonstrations of this equipment or to reserve for off-site use. Smaller
units could double the fun by inviting another nearby unit to share the
event. |
WEEK 1 |
Accurately inventory and assess current pasta and enriched rice storage.
Determine if existing food storage is stored correctly and is still edible.
Storing brown rice is not recommended due to short-term shelf life. Total
basic pasta storage recommended per year for 18 years or older is 42 pounds
for males/29 pounds for females. Total basic enriched white rice storage
recommended per year for 18 years or older is 84 pounds for males/59 pounds
for females. Record all purchases in your Basic Food Storage Binder. |